On a lighter note, I won a little competition held by some fellow bloggers. Pretty exciting.. at least I have one thing to smile about. Check it out here... www.redllips.blogspot.com
Also on a lighter note, I found someone on Trendsales selling their S///Bar cognac wedges (completely un-used) and convinced her to wait until the 30th of April and sell them to me. I just don't have the funds atm and will be pretty frustrated if I can't get ahold of them when I finally do have the mullahs. I'm thinking they'll make a nice spring shoe, hence their colour, their awesomeness and considering how comfy they are (I already have them in black). Lookin' like a bit of a scuzzball today. Wearing..acid wash sweater from H&M, Bianco wedges, sunglasses from London.
And..I couldn't resist these babies from work. I've really been trying to not buy more shoes, but alas, it's proven to be extremely difficult. It's as though the more I resist, the more I want to buy. What the fuck is up with that?
ÅÅå, AMAZING shoes!!
Hehe, they are pretty nice eh :)
SvarSletUgh, I know that feeling re: trying to resist buying something! It's like they put drugs in the air or something...but great shoes!!
SvarSletHe he..forbidden fruit and all that...;) But cool that you will be able to get hold of the shoes you want so badly.
SvarSletAnd I'll follow;) See you!
Yep I knowwww what you mean. Btw love the picture. you look very cute :)
SvarSletLike all of the above, i love the shoes 2 :) They remind me of some acne sandels a saw last year. although they didn't have a heel.
SvarSletJeg har virkelig også gået og luret på de sko du har købt! Er de gode at gå i? :)
SvarSlet- Sidsel. www.lessbandthanbeat.blogspot.com
Thanks everybody/tak allesammen :)
SvarSletSidsel- Ja, jeg synes de er rigtig gode at gå i! Plateau'en hjælper og så sidder de godt fast. Men de er lidt store i str. så prøv en str. mindre end du plejer!
Gah, jeg vil også eje S///Bar cognac wedges. Hvordan er de i øvrigt i størrelsen? Tør man satse på en 41, selv om højre fod normalt trives bedst i en 41½? Befriende at læse en blog på engelsk, forresten, as opposed to danglish og alle andre varianter og forsøg på samme. :)
SvarSletHej Camilla :)
SvarSletAltså, jeg plejer altid være en 38, dog har jeg en str. forskel på mine fødder og synes ikke disse wedges er små i str. Jeg tror godt du kan slippe af sted med at købe dem i 41. Men du har ikke mulighed for at prøve dem?
Hehe taaak, jeg er jo halv canadier med mit første sprog som engelsk, så det ville jo være lidt mærkeligt hvis jeg ikke kunne finde ud af det :P