These amazing boots by See by Chloe would perfect my winter shoe wardrobe! They're chunky and durable, and would make a perfect contrast to skinny jeans and a feminin top. Unlike the bag, the price isn't budget-friendly and if you want to own these suckers, you're going to have to take a bank loan to the tune of 365£.

I am in love with this sweater. I also think the styling on the picture is spot on. I would pretty much wear it exactly as shown. I am into the stripes and the length of the sleeves. Plus, I am a sucker for dark colours... Be mine please! For just 42£ I could hop right into this winter wonder...

I wouldn't mind jumping right into this black jacket. I would wear this with a long pair of leather gloves to add a bit of femininity (and warmth!). Seen on the Urban Outfitters online store for 110£.
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