My day off today rocked a bit actually (and the best part, it's still not over). I've been spending a lot of time trying to figure out what my future should revolve around.. There are so many options out there, some more realistic than others, but the whole thing is pretty exciting regardless. I keep wondering where I'll be this exact time next year..
Ray Bans, Weekday sweater (on sale for 80kr, WTF!), Cheap Monday pants, Hummel for Bianco sneakers.
I've slowly been gearing up for summer. So when I saw these sunglasses, I knew I had to have them. Aren't they ridiculous? Sometimes H&M pulls through for me.
sunglasses are great!;)
Ira- Thanks.. Can't wait to combine them with a black cut-out tank and bleacked jean shorts this summer! :)
SvarSletVirkelig nice strik!!! 80 kr?! Er den ny? Har virkelig været på jagt i stykke tid efter en sådan strik!
SvarSletsuper lækkert :O) elsker solbrillerne!!
SvarSletI love your outfit.. so chill.
Fede solbriller :-)
SvarSletI really love the pose of the first picture! Haha you look so awesome.
SvarSletLouise Cecilie- Den er købt i lørdags i KBH. Der hang hvert fald nogle tilbage, den er fra Weekday :)
SvarSletJulie- Tak tak.
Cecilia- Thanks!
J'adore- Ja, de er rimelig nice :D
Kelly- When no one wants to take pictures of me, I have to balance it on the picnic table and crouch. Haha :)
Årh, København... Meget langt væk fra, og det er ikke nogle weekday her i Nordjylland. Tænkte på om du kan købe den for mig? Ved godt vi ikke kender hinanden men skriv mere på (:
SvarSletEr forelsket i din strik - sikke en lækkerbisken! :)
SvarSlet- Caroline.
Louise Cecilie- Jeg bor desværre heller ikke i KBH! Bor i Kolding, og her er der desværre ingen Weekday. Ellers havde jeg da købt den til dig, øv øv :(
SvarSletCaroline- Tak, er også meget glad for den :)