Alright, a picture overload is coming-you've been warned!

My two bustier tops by Wilfred (found at Aritzia) from kelly. THANK YOU BABE! They're perfect!
Long party top from Second Female I plan on wearing New Years from the rents.
Top from Samsøe Samsøe, also a Christmas gift from the rents.
Striped sweater by Vila, what a fucking find, 200kr. Not bad eh? :)
A few more lovely presents; Blond Accessories bag from my grandparents, Jean Paul Gaultier perfume from my brothers, Burberry perfume and eyeshadow from Simon's sisters and a picture from Simon's parents. I spent Christmas at my boyfriend's. It was lovely :)

I also got...a dress from Simon's parents that I'll be returning, it's too big. I got a big Body Shop gift basket from my dad's brother's family but I'm not that into the scent. I got some money from various family members, and stockings from Simon's brother. It's been a great Christmas.. Just wish it could go on forever!
Hope everybody else had a great Christmas too...
what did you get from simon??!!