søndag den 30. januar 2011

Was tagged in a little blogging game a while back- thought it was time to publish my answers.

7 Random Things You didn't Know
1. I'm allergic to down feathers
2. I've collected gemstones since I was a kid
3. I was born in Philidelphia
4. I am related to the Norwegian/Danish folk hero Tordenskiold.
5. For Halloween, I've always gone the slightly alternative route, and dressed up as Frankenstein, Michael Jackson and an eskimo.
6. I had my ears pierced as a baby (ca. 3 months old I believe)
7. I once had a hampster named Cookie

And here's for a little outfit picture
I've been wearing my silk blouse from Samsøe Samsøe a lot. My Asos arm cuff also arrived, which I plan on wearing next weekend for the crazy Copenhagen partying I have planned :)

lørdag den 29. januar 2011

A busy day at work was had today. Glad to be home and enjoying my 1½ days off- going out bowling and spending time with lovely people tonight, should be pretty kick ass.
Kind of stole my boyfriend's striped shirt. I think I'm going to keep it. Also, I'm pretty happy with my brown military (ish) boots. They're really comfortable and go with pretty much everything.

fredag den 28. januar 2011

Until I get my lazy ass going with some outfit pictures, I thought I might slap a few pictures up for a bit of visual pleasure here on the blog. Updates will arrive, I promise :)
Hope everyone else is enjoying their Friday evening as much as I am. My friend just passed out on the couch, and I'll probably be hitting the pillows soon as well.

søndag den 23. januar 2011

I somehow, against all odds, managed to drag my lazy ass out of bed and get some shit done today. And when I say "shit", I'm referring to productive things one can get done on a Sunday. I watched all of three documentaries on the net, ate a ton of junk food, ran some errands, played chinese checkers with the pops, and went for a run with my neighbour (yes, you heard me, voluntary exercise!). The one thing that I didn't end up getting done, was cleaning my room. But that seldom ever happens anyway.

Below is me attempting a look with little black, in honor of the sunny weather.
Ray Bans, Won Hundred jacket, necklace from Christiania, Cheap Monday baggy jeans, Bianco boots.

lørdag den 22. januar 2011

So I realize I never quite got around to showing you guys any of the Christmas presents. Just kind of assumed they would surface in the entries, but I see they have yet to do this.. Until now. I'm wearing a ridiculously beautiful blazer/sweater thing from Wilfred. My brother brought it with him from Canada while he was visiting us here in chilly DK for Christmas.
Sunglasses from Ray Ban, blazer by Wilfred, scarf from Blond, tshirt from Global Femme, Alexander Wang bag, and the classic high-top Converse.

The scarf is a fairly new purchase.. Was looking for a new tube scarf that wasn't shitty quality and this bad boy came home with me. So far, it's sweet ass. Also, threw on my old Converse sneakers for the first time in years (literally!) and my feet have apprently gotten smaller? Weird. Anyhow, I'm going to enjoy my day with a good movie and a lil joint.
Sufjan and I.

torsdag den 20. januar 2011

Quickly got this shot of myself before heading out the door. On Thursdays, I have to dress especially laid-back as we get our new shoes delivered, which means a lot of practical work with dusty, dirty boxes. Jesus my back aches..
Community hoodie, Bik Bok jean vest, Cheap Monday pants.

Spotted this cute, cropped sweater at H&M yesterday. The price is 179kr if anyone out there is interested.. I'm trying to save my pennies for next month, which includes a pretty sweet trip to Copenhagen with a couple friends and a pair of Acne shoes, sooo.. I'm going to have to pass this up.

mandag den 17. januar 2011

There are a few things I can't get out of my head, fashion-wise. The items below are the things I'm going to keep an eye out for next month..
I've wanted a pair of Monies earrings for a while now, so next time I'm in Copenhagen, I'll be checking out So Last Season. The Wildfox tank would be perfect with a skirt or torn shorts this summer, but would also be do-able under a blazer for work. I'm also missing a pair of blue jeans in my wardrobe- I'm looking for a sort of mid blue shade. And the shoes.. well, what is there to say? They're perfect.

lørdag den 15. januar 2011

I've been able to find a few pictures of me from the NousVous event/fashion show. I'm pretty sure a few more will arrive on www.mylittlesecret.dk next week, but until then, here's for a bit of narcissism.
Pre-show with my hair and make-up done up. Wearing my own Won Hundred jacket. Taken by the really sweet Jane.
Two shots from the show. Pictures from Erin and Charlotte
And here's a picture of Emilie and I from Delance Fashion (picture also borrowed from Erin).

Again, it was a really fun night and I got to meet a lot of the people who I basically read about every day on their blogs.

Now for something completely different.. A few months ago, I saw these ridiculously lovely jars at Søstrene Grene, and when I went back to buy them, they happened to be sold out. So I got pretty stoked when they were back in stock this week. Can't wait to decorate my own apartment sometime soon!
Anyway.. I'm off to sweet hangouts and parties. Stay tuned next week, I have something exciting to share :)

torsdag den 13. januar 2011

Yesterday was quite an eventful day. I  modelled a show for the new brand NousVous. It was an overall good experience and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I also happened to meet some pretty sweet bloggers who were there for the event. It's funny how we know so much about each other, but at the same time don't know each other at all.

For more info and details, check out NousVous's own blog here: www.mylittlesecret.dk and for some quality pictures of the show and what not, keep an eye out on http://www.shopaholicsisters.dk/.

The below image is the only picture I managed to snap- when I got home and was in my own clothing. Once again, good job Line.
New shirt from Forever Lou Lou

Today was my day off. I was supposed to have a meeting with a guidance councellor (about my future, you know), but that bombed and now I can't meet with anyone until in two weeks. This is not good, as some of the deadlines are already coming up in the middle of March. Fuck my life.

And the outfit I'm currently in..
Samsøe Samsøe jacket, Acne sweater, Cheap Monday pants, Bianco boots, Alexander Wang bag, Second Female necklace.

mandag den 10. januar 2011

Just like everyone else in blogland, I'm stoked about the new Elin Kling + H&M collaboration collection, though info on the net is saying it's only going to be released in Sweden. What the fuck. Oh well, then I'll save those pennies.

The Bad Boy has landed! Check out my new cellular gadget:
I know, I know, not the newest item on the market, but I've wanted this phone for 1½ years now (since the E71) and it's a nice alternative to the uber svelt Blackberry, which I by no means can get a hold of around here.

I also bought this Asos bracelet yesterday:
The only picture I could find was the above collage from http://www.shopaholicsisters.dk/ since the bracelet has gone out of stock since yesterday. Pretty stoked about getting it in the mail, see how it fits and all.

And here's a bit of me for good measure :)

søndag den 9. januar 2011

I love productive Sundays. I love that I have time to relax and watch a few good documentaries. Also, I just ordered tickets to London in April. I'm really looking forward to it.. I'll hopefully be picking up my Mulberry Alexa then.

Here are some visuals for you guys..
I'm pretty thrilled with my new vintage fur coat..
My new Acne tank in action. I'm sure this tank is going to be a summer staple. And yes, my feet were a bit cold, but something in the air reminded me of spring!
In terms of fashion, 2010 was a pretty good year for me. I feel like I went from a girl interested in fashion, to a fashionable girl (if that makes any sense at all). During the last half of 2010, I really committed myself to investing in items that were versatile and classic. I wanted to stop dreaming about Ray Bans and Wang. I wanted to actually have the pleasure of owning and using these items.

I'm going to continue this method of relation to fashion- if there's something I really want, then I have to make the commitment and save up for it. And also, with this philosophy, I'll more easily avoid purchasing small, unimportant items that I'll have forgotten in 3 months anyway.

The best of 2010:
Who: YSL
When: August 2010
Price: ca. 1000kr

Who: Acne
When: June 2010
Price: 1700kr
Who: Ray Bans
When: November 2010
Price: 1250kr
Who: Alexander Wang
When: December 2010
Price: 7100kr

lørdag den 8. januar 2011

I finally have a few decent pictures to share.. I mean, I've come to realize that I need to invest in a better camera and get all photoshop savy for your pleasure. I guess I will have to make the investment as soon as I get my "vacation money". Until then, these slightly blurry, way-too-bright pictures will have to suffice :)
Ray Bans, Just Female military jacket, Samsøe Samsøe silk top, Won Hundred jeans, bracelet bought at the Byward market, Bianco boots and Alexander Wang bag.

fredag den 7. januar 2011

Alright now, bear with me guys. Getting those damned outfit pictures has been obscenely hard as of late. I actually have two sweet ass ones up my sleeve, but on a memory stick at work. Good job Line. So those will have to surface tomorrow at best..

Here's a lil crap shot for you guys in the meantime..
My new Acne cardigan in action

Also, can't wait to show you guys my shiny, new cellular object. I'm no pro when it comes to electronics, but this little gadget has definetely brightened my days! Why in god's name did I wait this long?!

tirsdag den 4. januar 2011

I've been looking for a vintage fur jacket for a while now. When I saw this bad boy at the local vintage shop, I knew it would fit perfectly and rock my wardrobe. I was right. It fits perfectly, it's pretty much in perfect condition, and the price was perfect as well. How lucky could I be? Also, I don't personally believe that you can be anti-fur unless you're a vegan.
Vintage fur jacket, Envii sweater, pants by Lux, Alexander Wang bag.

søndag den 2. januar 2011

Took this picture before I started getting ready for New Years on Friday. Wanted to show off my new Chanel nailpolish (nouvelle vague), along with my new fur hat. But for some reason, Blogger was being premenstrual and never uploaded the picture.. So here it is for good measure :)
Hat from Rosie and the Roses

Happy 2011 everyone!


Mit billede
A half Canadian, half Danish girl with a desire to share the things I'm passionate about.