I finally have a few decent pictures to share.. I mean, I've come to realize that I need to invest in a better camera and get all photoshop savy for your pleasure. I guess I will have to make the investment as soon as I get my "vacation money". Until then, these slightly blurry, way-too-bright pictures will have to suffice :)
Ray Bans, Just Female military jacket, Samsøe Samsøe silk top, Won Hundred jeans, bracelet bought at the Byward market, Bianco boots and Alexander Wang bag.
De støvler er virkelig fede!
SvarSletKan de stadig købes nogen steder?
Signe- Ja, det kan du tro de kan. Kan købes i Bianco til 700kr :)
SvarSletDu er såååå smuk!
SvarSletElsker dit outfit!(-:
Anna- Årh mange tak :)