lørdag den 15. januar 2011

I've been able to find a few pictures of me from the NousVous event/fashion show. I'm pretty sure a few more will arrive on www.mylittlesecret.dk next week, but until then, here's for a bit of narcissism.
Pre-show with my hair and make-up done up. Wearing my own Won Hundred jacket. Taken by the really sweet Jane.
Two shots from the show. Pictures from Erin and Charlotte
And here's a picture of Emilie and I from Delance Fashion (picture also borrowed from Erin).

Again, it was a really fun night and I got to meet a lot of the people who I basically read about every day on their blogs.

Now for something completely different.. A few months ago, I saw these ridiculously lovely jars at Søstrene Grene, and when I went back to buy them, they happened to be sold out. So I got pretty stoked when they were back in stock this week. Can't wait to decorate my own apartment sometime soon!
Anyway.. I'm off to sweet hangouts and parties. Stay tuned next week, I have something exciting to share :)

4 kommentarer:

  1. Årh hvor fedt!(-:
    Og de cupcakes skåle er bare for cute!:-)

  2. Flotte billeder :-)
    Cupcakes er også nogle jeg har hjemme på min pyntevæg :-) hehe

  3. J'adore- Tak, og det kan jeg godt forstå. Man bliver glad (og måske lidt sulten) bare af at kigge på dem! :)



Mit billede
A half Canadian, half Danish girl with a desire to share the things I'm passionate about.