søndag den 30. januar 2011

Was tagged in a little blogging game a while back- thought it was time to publish my answers.

7 Random Things You didn't Know
1. I'm allergic to down feathers
2. I've collected gemstones since I was a kid
3. I was born in Philidelphia
4. I am related to the Norwegian/Danish folk hero Tordenskiold.
5. For Halloween, I've always gone the slightly alternative route, and dressed up as Frankenstein, Michael Jackson and an eskimo.
6. I had my ears pierced as a baby (ca. 3 months old I believe)
7. I once had a hampster named Cookie

And here's for a little outfit picture
I've been wearing my silk blouse from Samsøe Samsøe a lot. My Asos arm cuff also arrived, which I plan on wearing next weekend for the crazy Copenhagen partying I have planned :)

7 kommentarer:

  1. Sjove informationer, og lækkert outfit! Elsker din arm cuff :-)

  2. NLR- Ja, det ikke det man plejer at dele på ens blog, hehe. Og tak!

  3. Looking good! love the arm cuff

  4. Kelly- Thanks! Only problem with that thing? If I'm outside (even if it's tucked inside the arm of a jacket), the thing gets super cold. So weird.

  5. Haha, hvor fedt! Og ja, din arm cuff er ret lækker!

  6. Jag elsker din arm cuff, ved du om man få den i sølv? :))



Mit billede
A half Canadian, half Danish girl with a desire to share the things I'm passionate about.