My week has been a whirlwind. My weekend was good too.. except I missed out on a shift, which I will be kicking myself for next month. Fuck. The street party in Mejlgade, Århus was in-fucking-sane. I had such a good time. The music was off the chain, the atmosphere was sweet and the smoke.. well, that was good too. The man played a sweet show at Train.. Here's a lil pic.. For some odd reason, my mom actually bought me some stuff this week. She bought me a mascara, plus the top I'm wearing below. I'm not usually into floral things, but something about this shirt and its colours achieved the right amount of bohemian awesomeness, without over-doing it. Hoping everyone else had a good weekend too.. :)
Elkser din jakke og blomstrede bluse!
Taaaak :)
SvarSletEr faktisk utrolig glad for min nye blomster bluse, jeg plejer nemlig ikk at være meget for florals!
nice outfit! Love the jacket and the ring,
SvarSlethave you seen the rings in my webshop :)?