I was downtown today, running a few errands before the trip. And.. of course, I couldn't resist buying one more bathing suit. H&M has its strengths, one of them is making bathing suits with sick prints for basically no money. It's awesome.
The sale at Message yesterday was fabulous. I picked up more than I had expected too (meaning I also spent more money than anticipated), but when a sale comes along, you should take advantage of it! Here's a little look at what was picked up...
Shoes from Smuk, top from Blonde, tight high-waisted skirt from MbyM and hat from Dixie. I apologize for the effed up face :)

My man has a (relatively) new camera, which is pretty nice. He's been taking a lot of pictures lately, so pe prepared for a picture overload.

Fede billeder ;-) Ha' en skøn tur til Malta, og glæder mig til at se billeder!
SvarSletwhy the ef are you so damn good looking. I really like the picture where you lok like you have dark hair. The colour is nice the hat iis also really cute haha
SvarSletthose photos are aamazing.
SvarSletyou're gorgeous.
i hope you have a lovely time :)
NLR- tak og skal nok nyde solen. Der kommer masser af billeder! :)
SvarSletKelly- Thanks! :D
Margg-Awww thanks. And I defintely will have a lovely time! :D
very nice. :)
SvarSletyou look amazing.
Miss T- thank you and welcome to the blog :)
SvarSletDu skulle ta' at blive model :)
SvarSletAf ren nysgerrighed: Hvor høj er du? :)
beautiful pics !
SvarSletSigne- Årh hvor er du sød. Jamen er ikke særlig høj, ca 167-168 cm :)
SvarSletLaurent- thank you :D