Earrings as a present from some lovelies yesterday. Bracelet from Malta. All the thin, silver bangles are intertwined to make one. It fuckin' rocks my world.

My new Acne jacket! Holy shit this jacket is going to be glued to my body.

Yet another new bodystocking (same print and make as the one with the zipper). I simply couldn't resist the print, I had to own this one as well. And.. I'm already pretty darn happy with it. Picked this one up in Århus.

Happy Tuesday everyone!
Lucky girl, the fairies had great taste;)
SvarSletHehe yep, I'm a lucky girl! :)
SvarSletYo Woman. Your jacket will not go well here in Canada this summer. Unfortunately the weather will be much too hot ;)
SvarSletOtherwise, it's pretty sweet. and I like your new main blog picture. It's pretty fierce ;)
lækre ting, jeg er vild med din jakke :-)
SvarSlethar kigget lidt rundt på din blog og er meget imponeret. Du er virkelig, virkelig køn og din stil er skøn!
Kelly- Awww damn. But, not even on chilly summer nights? I was really hoping the Canadian weather would disappoint, but I guess not! Fuck!
SvarSletLouise- Ja, er også selv vild med den, hehe :)
Årh mange tak. Det var pænt af dig!
Århh, fantastiske gaver. Tillykke! :)
Sol- Ja, har været sindsyg heldig! :)