Life life life... I took my extensions out. It was time to get them re-done but I've decided I don't want to. I want to give my hair a break and let it do its own thing. I mean, I want long hair, but I'd prefer it to be natural. My hair grows quite quickly, so it won't be that bad :)
I FOUND MY GRADUATION DRESS (studenterkjole)! I've previously blogged about Won Hundred's ridiculously awesome summer collection and the dress I want to buy is a bit pricey. I mean, I could afford it, but then I'd be poor the rest of the month (since I would also be buying S///Bar wedges and some other items). So I thought... "well, I could just check out Trendsales..."
And there it was. And it was my size. And a bit cheaper. And unused. And the seller doesn't mind waiting (despite its unused status) 2 weeks until I get paid. One word can describe my mood: F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S.
I don't really want to follow the Danish tradition of a white dress.. I know the day is going to end in drunken madness and I'd prefer not to end up with huge stains on a dress that was expensive. Plus, if it's white, I won't end up wearing it much after the big day. Also, the above dress comes with a black leather string that is to be tied around the waist. Loves it!The weather has been lovely- I've been trying to take advantage of it as much as I can. As much as I love my winter jacket(s), it's refreshing to be able to finally wear a spring jacket. Here are a couple pictures...
Wearing... Vero Moda leather jacket, American Apparel top, Won Hundred jeans, S///Bar shoes, Bianco knit scarf, inherited bag. I know, my dad/brother/mom isn't that great at taking pictures. Hehe :)
uhh, lækker taske!
SvarSletjeg laver "dit" indlæg idag! (:
Jeg kan godt li' bukserne. WON HUNDRED!
yay :D it's pretty :D
SvarSletYour extensions are out? cool stuff. take more pictures without them! I can't remember your real hair! hahaha
lovely jeans!
Hej Cecilie og Tilia :)
SvarSletTak, er også smadder glad for tasken. Jeg arvede den af min morfar, han var navigatør og tog den altid med på rejser, så den har også lidt sentimalitet med sig!
Tak Mathias, er simpelthen også så glade for dem, farve mæssigt og pasmæssigt.
Hey Kelly Belly. Yeah, took em out. I needed a break. They were really high maitanence, and I was sort of feeling like my real hair was growing as quickly because of them..
Tak Krimly :)