Finally, the pictures have arrived.. I'm actually quite behind in terms of posting. I have like, 4 new items that I have neglected to show you all. Sorry! Posts will come.. But for now, you'll have to do with a massive picture overload of fancy shit. Enjoy!Wearing.. Rützou dress (dark blue silk with small stars), Bianco heels, vintage clutch, gold-coated earrings made in Africa.
VERY hot. and chic. hahaha. Your shoes look awesome. I want to go to a galla :(
SvarSletAWESOME! :) .. Hvor er du bare flot! :)
SvarSletLovely dress!
Hehe.. tak tak tak. Hvor er i søde :)
SvarSletHold da op hvor du flot ... den kjole klæder dig rigtig godt!
SvarSletsuper lækkert outfit :)
Det ser super prof ud:) !
SvarSletFlot flot outfit! Meget inspirerende blog du har...
Faboulus dress and color for you!
SvarSletHvor er i søde alle sammen! Totalt svedigt at læse sådan noget.. det varme på disse kolde dage.
SvarSletWhat a great outfit. That dress is the perfect royal blue.
SvarSletVery beautiful..