Soo.. I had been on a waiting list for the YSL ring since forever ago. The rings were supposed to arrive in May, but I never heard from Paris Texas, so I just assumed that they had been unable to get the ring or that they had already sold out.
Paris Texas called me on Friday, which was obviously fate since I was leaving for Copenhagen the same day. Of course, I had to pick up the ring.. Here it is:
And the turquoise looks pretty sweet against my Chanel 505 :)
Dear YSL ring, I have a feeling I'm going to like you for a long time.
årh den er perfekt! hvad koster den i kr?
SvarSletxoxo tanna
Tanja- Tak.! Det synes jeg også, haha. Og den kostede 900kr, så det var jo egentlig ikke såååå galt :)
SvarSletHej hej !
SvarSletTroede også den ville koste mere, hvor kan den købes?
Tjek min blog
Alice Heide- Den kan købes i Paris Texas, men du skal skynde dig, de havde ikke så meget tilbage! :)
SvarSletFantastisk ring:)
SvarSletRock n Roll Ballerina- taaaak :D
SvarSletAhhhh I love this ring so much!!!
SvarSletJMay- thanks! Me too :D