onsdag den 4. august 2010

Reasoning is a difficult task

Sitting here, in my bed, getting nervous about tomorrow. I mean, when this thing finally gets going, all the butterflies will disappear. But it's this darn waiting game, the not knowing and the anticipation that kills me. I just want to get it over with! I'm trying my best to be patient. As soon as I know anything, I will share the details :)

Here are a few pictures of my outfit from Monday (I didn't really get out of my pjs today, and let me tell you, this outfit does not deserve pictures):
Wearing.. Dixie hat, Wilfred jean top, Wilfred lace top, Garage jeans, Smuk shoes.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Line! I hope the news is good news. :) and looking good as always!

  2. fin blog du har her :-)
    jeg er blevet fast læser . .
    jeg overvejer meget at få næsepiercing ligesom din. men min bekymring er at når jeg en dag ikke vil have den mere, om der så er et hul i næsen? har du det? ;)
    kh. Silke

  3. Hey Kelly. The news is alright. Both good and bad. Ugh, so hard to decide!

    Silke Maria- Årh tak for det. Jamen jeg har faktisk hul i begge sider. Og jeg vil sige at, desværre, den ikke lukker helt. Dog er det ikke et voldsomt hul alle lægger mærke til. Det er kun noget man kan se hvis man er meget tæt på. Håber mit svar hjælåer! :)



Mit billede
A half Canadian, half Danish girl with a desire to share the things I'm passionate about.