onsdag den 31. marts 2010
What does that mean

tirsdag den 30. marts 2010
Low tide

mandag den 29. marts 2010
Life could've been royalty

Scarf from London, trench from Second Female, shoes from Bianco.
I'm wearing my new Bianco wedges. As pretty as they are, they're a pain to wear. They're not really comfortable and there is now plateau below my toes to support my foot. So basically, my feet kill after just a few hours of wearing them. Sigh.
lørdag den 27. marts 2010
Repossesed my car
One good thing? My summer holiday (CANADA) has been purchased, can't fucking wait. Though, I'm thinking it might be a slightly emotional journey. Still haven't visited Grandmama's grave, god that's going to suck.

Been in a total fashion rut, hence the lack of posting.
onsdag den 24. marts 2010
Jungle Sometimes

Hoping to get my hands on these boots- they're the beloved S///Bar ones (that I already have in black), but this brown colour has really grown on me.. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it'll be this month the economic situation makes it possible. Damn.

tirsdag den 23. marts 2010
Specs & Suni
A while back, he entered a contest called "Karriere Kanonen" and was chosen! Pretty big news here in Denmark (hvis man er dansk, så kender man vel Magtens Korridor, Tue West, Johnny Deluxe, osv. alle sammen bands/musikerer som hittede i DK pga. Karriere Kanonen) and well, the man is pretty excited about it. Here's a bit of press for the boys:

My man is the dude to the left in all the above pics, and Jonas is the other one. He our really good friend and his Jonas' girlfriend is my best friend, so we're basically always together (the 4 of us). Good times are constant in our little group!
The man of metropolis

I can't wait til our Bianco gets these shoes, I'm going to be wear them constantly (I've previously shown a picture of them, though it didn't do the shoes justice, so here's one more :D)

søndag den 21. marts 2010
Så stille

Weekend Looks

torsdag den 18. marts 2010

onsdag den 17. marts 2010
But now I'm past caring
Signs of spring are certainly not to be missed anymore. The sun keeps showing its bright face in between hovering clouds that rain on us (what's more SPRING than rain?!)..and the sun's bright face is pretty lovely too. Despite these heartwarming signs of a new season springing upon us, I still manage to be completely and utterly stressed out about life, work, the future, school and well..everything else. Hoping this tough stretch will pass sooner rather than later..
Until then, I have some pictures :D

Wearing... H&M blazer, Gestuz body, Won Hundred pants, Defeeter boots, Blond bracelet.
mandag den 15. marts 2010

It was really nice walking around and getting a better feel for the city, esp. considering I'll be moving there after the summer? Really nervous about that- so much has to work out before I can sigh with relief. I have to save up some more money, find an apartment, get a job, make new friends..so much! It's proving to be a daunting task.
Can anyone recommend some good places to visit in Århus (planning on going again very soon)? I mean, I know of Aros and some various cafe's and shit... but I need some tips!
søndag den 14. marts 2010
For Windows in Paradise

torsdag den 11. marts 2010
I'm still not sure whether or not to keep the "leather jacket"- I know, PETA wants to murder me, but I don't like the look of fake leather, nor do I like the feel. But at 79kr, how could I not buy it and at least think about it?
I'm already madly in love with my jean jacket! Gaaaah, can't wait to wear it EVERYWHERE.
To keep or not to keep

onsdag den 10. marts 2010
That's what I want
1) Went to my one class (haha)
2) Went to the bank, started not one, but two savings accounts and sorted the rest of my economic situation out (not that I'm in debt or anything though)
3) Got further on the planning of our school's prom
4) Did a bit of homework (though not a lot, so I don't deserve massive props)
5) Trasnferred money to a seller from Trendsales (yep, another pair of shoes are in the mail)
6) Baked cookies
7) Painted my nails and conditioned my dry hair
8) Only smoked 4½ cigarettes!
Wow. That is one seriously long list, compared to what it usually is! Look at what's coming in the mail:

tirsdag den 9. marts 2010


mandag den 8. marts 2010

lørdag den 6. marts 2010
They are night zombies

Today's outfit:
I'm wearing... new body stocking (though a bit too big), Cheap Monday pants, Defeeter boots, new H&M bracelet.
I had a lovely day at work. But something weird? My feet have gotten smaller! Yeah yeah, I know, that's "impossible" but seriously- I used to always be a 39 but now I sometimes need a 37 and never bigger than a 38. Fuckin' shaddy...
fredag den 5. marts 2010

My advice to anyone getting something done: think about it for a while. And when you've thought it through, think about it again. Make sure it's something you want on your body forever- and if you're not covered in tattoos already, then get it a "private" place that can easily be concealed.
torsdag den 4. marts 2010
Henney Buggy
I also managed to find a perfect orange nailpolish at the dollar store- 10kr! Not bad. Anddd.. Bianco had gotten new sunglasses, so of course I ended up bringing a pair home. And now for some pictures..

tirsdag den 2. marts 2010
Forget about your plans

Concerning the UFO...


- lineandree
- A half Canadian, half Danish girl with a desire to share the things I'm passionate about.