As much as orange nailpolish was fun to try, I'm yet again, back to wearing my Rouge Noir by Chanel. The sun isn't upon us yet and such colours (like bright orange) don't seem appropriate just yet.For the first time in months, my hair is in a bun. Ever since getting my extensions, I've been hesitant about putting up. It's hard to make it look natural..but alas, I couldn't resist any longer. And actually, I love it.
Here's the new jacket- utterly satisfied!
And..some nice and ugly shots of me, just for good measure.
lækker lækker jakke :)
SvarSletTaaak :)
SvarSletEr også smadder glad for den! Håber bare at vejret holder sig koldt lidt tid endnu, ellers må jeg pakke den væk og det har jeg nemlig ikk så meget lyst til!
Jacket looks really good :)
SvarSletdet 3 nedereste billeder er godt nok smukke!! :O
SvarSletTaaak :)
SvarSletElsker tasken! Hvor er den fra?