The man of metropolis I cannot even begin to describe the extent of my stress/psycological break down. Haha.. I mean, sure I'm laughing now, but holy fuck, it's been intense. I'm trying my hardest not to freak out at everything. 
Samsøe Samsøe sweater, Second Female necklace, Defeeter boots, vintage sunglasses.
I can't wait til our Bianco gets these shoes, I'm going to be wear them constantly (I've previously shown a picture of them, though it didn't do the shoes justice, so here's one more :D)
Kærlighed på de sko!
SvarSletLeder selv efter et par efter at måtte indse at Acnes er fantastisk smukke (og aaaalt for dyre)
Love the outfit. and the boots are awesome. Your extensions really really suit you. How long are they supposed to last?
SvarSletDude, when do I get my birthday and christmas presents? Honestly. At least I wasn't THIS bad with you!
Sikke en smuk blog :) I Århus har vi nu allerede fået dem, jeg har netop gået og lusket rundt om dem flere gange i løbet af sidste uge :)